I went to my first Yoga class ever yesterday evening. I went to a center where my doctor, who I always refer to as “Fruitcake”, goes to Yoga class and highly recommends. It is called Shadak and the center is pretty much across the street from my office, quite conveniently located.
I have, admittedly, been on a self-destructive path since July of last year. I got excellent tests results in June which left my totally dry-humored Rheumatologist with his mouth open and it was enough to convince me that I could party like a rock star and that my diagnosis of a chronic autoimmune disease had well past. Well, apparently, my mind and body are quite fragile and need to always be taken care of, nurtured and be full of positive energy, I have never had a green thumb so taking care of my body and mind is quite the challenge.
I got tests done for the Rheumatologist just a couple of weeks ago because I hadn’t been feeling that great and I also have my 6-8 month check-up. I went to pick them up and from the first glance; I knew that they weren’t good. In Spain, you have to go with a slip from your doctor to a place where they do blood analysis and then you pick them up yourself which for some like myself, is not a good thing because I start browsing the Internet to see what I can auto-diagnose myself with and basically give myself an self-induced heart-attack.
Shortly alter emailing Fruitcake the past 2 blood analysis and confessing that I had been partying like I was somebody important, my cell phone rings.
“Querida Sarah, has empeorado y estás empeorando. Después del correo que me has enviado, muchas cosas tienen que cambiar si quieres mejorar.”
“FUCK, FUCK, FUCK”, I think to myself. Nobody ever likes to receive a call from a Doctor, slightly whacky, whose been making all his best efforts to help you, tell you that you are getting worse.
He calls me into his office asap. I got there and felt like I was at the Principals office, like the time after I did donuts with the car in the snow, but worse. After a long talk and his psychoanalysis of yours truly, there are many things that need to be sorted in my life, psych wise, as I have not been very happy for a long time and according to Fruitcake, my well-being will start when I have found inner peace. He said I must go to “Yoga Mental”.
Off I went. I was quite nervous but noticed that everyone around me was mellow, so I relaxed and felt mellow. It was strange but not as strange as the time I went to a session on how to line up the Chakras where no one in the room could cross their arms or legs and the monitors had to touch your feet and head to line up certain Chakras. In that gig, the monitor kept asking us if we could feel the energy passing from one another, the only thing I felt was that the room was stuffy and the windows needed to be opened.
But anyhow, at Yoga, we had to sit on the floor and meditate. The Guru is named Ramiro Calle, an older man who is skinny as a stick and quite hairy. He seemed to have a calm aura about him. He told us the 3 phases of meditation and how to breathe. I can’t remember the last time I took a minute for myself and actually could relax. Later he allowed for questions and said some anecdotes. It was great.
If and when I go to the Yoga física with the notorious Guru of Yoga, I will write about how inflexible and clumsy I am but at this moment, I am sticking to the meditation and start on the path to thinking with my positive side of the brain (can’t remember if it’s the right or the left side but it is working!)!!!
Love you too Sarita!!! Of course you made the cut. I hope you start feeling better soon and I totally want to go to a Spanish yoga class with you!!! besos!
ReplyDeleteLove you L'Orange!!! I can send you a copy of the CD! LOL!! Besos