I haven't blogged in a bit because my husband commented that my blog wasn't “very politically correct”. I was kind of stunned for a few days but then came to realize that I have never been politically correct and I find that politically correctness can be stiffly boring, also, have in mind my previous blog was all about how Spaniards and I love to swear – would something like that really come from somebody politically correct?
I remember a conversation with Big Al one Christmas about how he loved my “Christmas card”. He was telling me how everybody in the States no longer says “Merry Christmas” but rather “Happy Holidays”! Surely one expression includes all holidays, including Kwanzaa but I don’t mind when my Jewish friends wish me a “Happy Hanukkah”. Whatever floats your boat, right?
This brings me back to the first night I met my “politically correct” husband who took me to a PCE party in the Casa de Campo. I had misunderstood his buddy who had a really deep voice who wanted to introduce the politically correct Spaniard and me. I arrive at the friend’s apartment and meet a Spaniard in an old man sweater. We then decide to have beers and as we are walking to the bar this Spaniard tells me that I “have big forehead” with broken English.
Well, sure enough, Chanel make-up, stilettos, big forehead and no sweater later – I am in a taxi heading through the Casa de Campo where all I see is darkness and prostitutes. I only understood "vamos a una fiesta". I love parties. We finally arrive at the destination and it is a nationwide communist festival with anti-American flags and banners everywhere! Now, that is not politically correct. It turned out to be a lot of fun even though I had to wear a bright orange Guatemalan sweater the politically correct Spaniard had bought at the festival to keep warm.
I would say that Spaniards are the least politically correct people I know which is probably part of the reason why I love the Spanish culture so much. They say it as it is. The Spanish basketball team made it on the news with the infamous photo of them holding their eyes in a squinty position at the Olympics in China (for a better blog about the photo and politically correctness, please refer to my friend’s blog Guiri Girl http://guirigirlblog.blogspot.com/2008/10/political-incorrectness-spanish-style.html).
I remember a conversation with Big Al one Christmas about how he loved my “Christmas card”. He was telling me how everybody in the States no longer says “Merry Christmas” but rather “Happy Holidays”! Surely one expression includes all holidays, including Kwanzaa but I don’t mind when my Jewish friends wish me a “Happy Hanukkah”. Whatever floats your boat, right?
This brings me back to the first night I met my “politically correct” husband who took me to a PCE party in the Casa de Campo. I had misunderstood his buddy who had a really deep voice who wanted to introduce the politically correct Spaniard and me. I arrive at the friend’s apartment and meet a Spaniard in an old man sweater. We then decide to have beers and as we are walking to the bar this Spaniard tells me that I “have big forehead” with broken English.
Well, sure enough, Chanel make-up, stilettos, big forehead and no sweater later – I am in a taxi heading through the Casa de Campo where all I see is darkness and prostitutes. I only understood "vamos a una fiesta". I love parties. We finally arrive at the destination and it is a nationwide communist festival with anti-American flags and banners everywhere! Now, that is not politically correct. It turned out to be a lot of fun even though I had to wear a bright orange Guatemalan sweater the politically correct Spaniard had bought at the festival to keep warm.
I would say that Spaniards are the least politically correct people I know which is probably part of the reason why I love the Spanish culture so much. They say it as it is. The Spanish basketball team made it on the news with the infamous photo of them holding their eyes in a squinty position at the Olympics in China (for a better blog about the photo and politically correctness, please refer to my friend’s blog Guiri Girl http://guirigirlblog.blogspot.com/2008/10/political-incorrectness-spanish-style.html).
But anyhow, I am off to go teach English in a bar.